Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

bahasa inggris 2

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) merupakan test yang digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kemampuan seseorang dalam berbahasa Inggris. Test ini ditujukan bagi orang yang tidak menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa ibu. Umumnya, test ini digunakan sebagai salah satu prasyarat bagi seseorang yang ingin melanjutkan studi atau bekerja di suatu negara yang menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam komunikas sehari-hari. 
Jenis-jenis toefl dibagi menjadi 3 antara lain:
1.    PBT-TOEFL atau Paper Based Test TOEFL atau dalam bahasa kita adalah tes TOEFL berbasis kertas. Seperti namanya, tes ini dilakukan di atas kertas dengan tiga sesi ujian yaitu Listening, Structure, dan Readin

2.     CBT-TOEFL atau Computer Based Test TOEFL atau tes TOEFL berbasis komputer. Tes ini menggunakan perangkat lunak resmi yang diterbitkan oleh ETS sebagai media pengujian. Dengan kata lain, peserta ujian mengerjakan soal-soal ujian TOEFL berbasis komputer. 

3.     iBT-TOEFL atau internet Based Test TOEFL atau bisa juga disebut tes TOEFL berbasis internet. Jenis tes TOEFL inilah yang sudah berlaku dan diakui secara global. . Jenis tes TOEFL ini masih dilakukan di komputer, hanya saja kali ini tidak ada dukungan perangkat lunak sebagai media pengujian, namun dilakukan secara online atau dengan kata lain, peserta ujian akan mengerjakan soal-soal tes yang langsung disediakan oleh ETS secara online.

Toefl memiliki 5 jenis soal yng diantaranya adalah
1.    Soal listening comperehension
Soal-soal listening ditunjukan untuk mengukur kemampuan anda memahami bahasa Inggris secara lisan seperti yang digunakan di Amerika.
Dalam bentuk speaking
Man        : I lost my notebook on the way home. Is it possible for me to borrow yours before the exam?
Woman   : I’m sorry. I’ve to take it with me to my office so I can study on my breaks
Narrator  : what does the man want  the woman to do?

a.     Take the man’s notebook
b.    Help him during the test
c.     Lend him her notebook*
d.    Study together on her breaks

2.    Soal speaking
Soal speaking ditujukan untuk mengukur kemampuan berbicara anda dalam bahasa Inggris tentang bermacam-macam tema umum dan akademik. Ada dua macam tugas dalam latihan speaking, yaitu independent speaking dan intergrated speaking.
-       Dalam independent speaking, anda akan mendapat pertanyaan mengenai tema yang popular
-       Dalam intregrated speaking, anda membaca wacana yang berhubungan dengan situasi kampus atau tema akademik
What are the qualification that you look for in a best friend? Describe a friend, and explain what influence you to choose this person as a best friend. Be sure to include specific detail and examples in yours answer
-       Best friend                         : - neighbor
: - grade school quantities
-       High moral values              : - honest
: - realible
-       Same interest                     : - reading
: - music
-       Reason                              : - help each other
: - spend time together

3.    Soal structure and written expression
Soal structure ditujukan untuk mengukur kemampuan anda mengenai standar bahasa Inggris secara tertulis seperti yang di gunakan di Amerika
Willian Tory Harris was one of the first educators interested___________ logical progression of topic in school curriculum
a.     In establishing*
b.    For establishing
c.     Establishing
d.    To establishing

4.    Soal reading comprehension and vocabulary
Soal rading comprehension and vocabulary ini di tunjukan untuk mengukur kemampuan anda mengerti dan memahami bahasa Inggris secara tertulis seperti yang digunakan dalam buku-buku bacaan dan bahan-bahan akademik lain di Amerika
Most language have several levels of vocabulary that may be used by the same speakers. In English, at least three have been identified and described. Standard usage includeds those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these word and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries.
            Which of the following is the main topic the passage?
a.     Standard speech
b.    Idiomatic phrases
c.     Different types of vocabulary*
d.    Dictionary usage

5.    Soal writing
Soal writing ini di tunjukan untuk menguji kemampuam anda menulis dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai berbagai topic, baik umum maupun akademik. Dalam latihan ini disajikan soal-soal latihan jenis Paper-Based TOEFL (PBT). Latihan ini disebut juga Test of Written English (TWE)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Smoking should not be permitted in a public area, and the state laws the prohibit it should be upheld

Smoking should not be permitted in public area.
- health problems are caused by secondary smoke
- smoke creates air pollution for people who stay in that area
- no smoking areas are inefffective

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

bahasa inggris 2

Excercise 21

1. will understand
2. wouldn't have been
3. will give
4. would have told
5. would have been
6. had
7. will step
8. needed
9. would have found
10. enjoyed
11. will paint
12. was
13. will write
14. would permit
15. were spending
16. will accept
17. will buy
18. had decided
19. would have written
20. will leak
21. had studied
22. will hear
23. will see
24. get
25. turn
26. will be
27. would have called
28. would have talked
29. explained
30. didn't speak

Excercise 26

1. well
2. intense
3. brightly
4. fluent
5. fluently
6. smooth
7. accurately
8. bitter
9. soon
10. fast

Excercise 27

1. terribly
2. well
3. good
4. calm
5. sick
6. quickly
7. diligently
8. vehemently
9. relaxed
10. noisy

Excercise 28

1. as soon
2. more
3. as
4. more
5. as
6. more
7. less
8. happier
9. more badly
10. faster

Excercise 29

1. than
2. tahn
3. from
4. than
5. as
6. than
7. as
8. than
9. than
10. from

Excercise 30

1. best
2. happiest
3. faster
4. creamiest
5. more colorfull
6. better
7. well
8. more awkwardly
9. least
10. prettier
11. the better
12. from
13. less impressive
14. the sticker
15. than
16. twice more than
17. few
18. much
19. farthest
20. more famous